Mike AI: Your AML copilot to ensure risk assessment

Have a peer performing the money-laundering risk assessment to refine your risk management and avoid oversights.
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Manage risks effectively with Mike

Identify inaccurate and inconsistent data
Identify risk indicators
Identify manual errors and typos
An image with the results achieve in this use case

Maximize the benefits of a powerful copilot

Customize ad hoc to your needs
Customize Mike's personality through prompt engineering to fit your processes.
Unlock powerful and automated reports
Generate concise reports featuring key data to make informed decisions.
Create your Risk Scoring system
Easily build your own risk scoring system without programming skills.

Designed to be powerful in several use cases

Anti-Money Laundering
Contract risk management
Limited Partner profile
Other risk management cases

What our customers say

Enhancing your processes

Implanta tu proceso de KYC o KYB y reúne los datos y documentos necesarios de tus clientes.
Crea alertas de vencimiento según el nivel de riesgo de tus clientes y asegura el "KYC refresh" de todos tus clientes.
Optimiza tu proceso, tras detectar las fases más sensibles y analizar el tiempo dedicado a completar el proceso de KYC/KYB.
An imagen representing how the recipient can upload documents and chat with the user
Ventas y Operaciones
Acelera tus operaciones y tus procesos de venta con formularios inteligentes
Crea alertas de vencimiento y revisión, operando en un entorno privado y seguro.
Detecta cuellos de botella y distribuye la carga de trabajo. Visualiza el volumen de trabajo de tu equipo.
An image representing the dashboard with all the parallels and automatic reminders
Fintech y Servicios Financieros
Construye tu proceso de Know Your Customer (KYC) y recibe y verifica la información requerida de tus clientes. Crea alertas de actualización para mantener el cumplimiento de la ley de prevención de blanqueo de capitales.
Crea y gestiona los contratos comerciales de cada cliente y programa alertas de vencimiento.
Analiza las altas de nuevos clientes en un periodo de tiempo y obtén insights clave para el negocio.
An image representing the contract generation
We stand by you
We help you with your processes from the beginning of the relationship, understanding your objectives and designing tailored solutions for you.
We protect your clients' data
Parallel follows ISO/IEC 27001 best practices for Information Security Management, and adheres to privacy and security principles from the design stage.
AWS and GDPR Compliant logos
We help you navigate your integrations
Effortlessly connect and integrate some tools into our platform, enabling secure automations and streamlined data flows for your risk assessments.

Frequently asked questions

How can AI help in KYC processes?
AI improves KYC risk assessments by identifying inaccuracies, forecasting potential concerns, and complementing your risk scoring, thus minimizing manual mistakes and enhancing data integrity.
How can AI help to assess risk in contract processes?
AI aids in assessing risk in contract processes by automating the analysis of contract terms and identifying potential legal and financial vulnerabilities, thereby enhancing the review process and risk mitigation
How does AI improve data accuracy in compliance reporting?
AI enhances data accuracy in compliance reporting by highlighting inaccuracies and predicting potential issues of understanding, thereby reducing manual errors and improving overall data quality.

Book a demo with us

More than 2,000 people have already transformed their teams with Parallel.