Protect your business with AML Screening and automated monitoring

Screen individuals and legal entities against lists of Politically Exposed Persons (PEPs) and sanctions. Automate ongoing monitoring to mitigate risks.

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Video showing how risk screening wokrs

Screening against PEP and sanctions lists

Imagen que representa cómo es la creación de formularios inteligentes en Parallel
Screening customers against thousands of up-to-day records of sanctions and PEP watchlists.

Monitor your customers and receive timely notifications of any changes

Set monitoring frequencies based on your assessed risk levels and rely on Parallel to track changes. Receive alerts whenever there are updates in your customers' status.
Imagen que representa cómo es el CRM legal en Parallel

Automate your KYC Refresh process

Configure your KYC Refresh frequency according to risk levels and initiate processes with just one click. Ensure ongoing compliance and operational efficiency effortlessly.
Imagen que representa cómo es la creación de contratos en Parallel
Image showing the screening proccess in ParallelImage showing the ongoing monitoring in ParallelImage showing the periodic kyc refresh in Parallel

Stay ahead of risks

Verify through OFAC, UN, HMT, EU, DFAT, FATF, and more
837,000+ records
508,000+ records
Legal Entities
527,000+ records
508,000+ records
Positions, adresses, crypto wallets, and more.

Built for any and all industries

Fund Management
Law Firms
Real Estate
Consulting & Auditing
Payment Solutions
Wealth Management

What our customers say

What you save with Parallel is time, the time we often don't have.
Before Parallel, a KYC could take about three weeks until they provided you with all the documentation, now on average it's between 4 or 5 days. Sometimes even less."
Mireia Sánchez
Executive Assistant at Cuatrecasas
Parallel has provided us with the balance we were seeking between minimal friction during merchant onboarding and improved compliance management. The KYB onboarding process is now about 4 times faster.
Furthermore, the ongoing support from the Parallel team have been outstanding."
Irene Barrero
Strategic Project Enabler at SeQura
To collect 5 or 6 documents legally required, we had to go through too long email threads. We could easily lose 2 weeks to collect 1 document. And the whole process could take 1 month.
We were able to centralize all KYB on a single platform with Parallel, this was a game-changer for the team."
Sandra Martínez
Onboarding Operations Manager at SeQura
Previously, it took us 3 to 4 weeks to complete and sign all the paperwork. With Parallel, some investors finished the onboarding process in just 10 minutes.
We've improved the efficiency of the team, as they can now easily monitor and review, without constant follow-ups."
Adrià Leira
Director of Alternative Investments at Talenta

Customize your AML ecosystem

Implanta tu proceso de KYC o KYB y reúne los datos y documentos necesarios de tus clientes.
Crea alertas de vencimiento según el nivel de riesgo de tus clientes y asegura el "KYC refresh" de todos tus clientes.
Optimiza tu proceso, tras detectar las fases más sensibles y analizar el tiempo dedicado a completar el proceso de KYC/KYB.
An imagen representing how the recipient can upload documents and chat with the user
Ventas y Operaciones
Acelera tus operaciones y tus procesos de venta con formularios inteligentes
Crea alertas de vencimiento y revisión, operando en un entorno privado y seguro.
Detecta cuellos de botella y distribuye la carga de trabajo. Visualiza el volumen de trabajo de tu equipo.
An image representing the dashboard with all the parallels and automatic reminders
Fintech y Servicios Financieros
Construye tu proceso de Know Your Customer (KYC) y recibe y verifica la información requerida de tus clientes. Crea alertas de actualización para mantener el cumplimiento de la ley de prevención de blanqueo de capitales.
Crea y gestiona los contratos comerciales de cada cliente y programa alertas de vencimiento.
Analiza las altas de nuevos clientes en un periodo de tiempo y obtén insights clave para el negocio.
An image representing the contract generation
Know Your Customer
Eliminate endless email threads and onboard your customers with a user-friendly KYC experience.
An illustration showing how calculations work
Risk Scoring
Build your own risk-based approach with No-Code calculation fields to monitor risk and conduct enhanced due diligence.
illustration showing how Mike ai works
Reporting with Mike AI ✨
Use Mike, our Generative AI, to produce insightful reports that save human effort and comply with regulatory requirements.
Illustration showing a schematic structure
Know Your Business
Verify business owners, directors, individuals and legal entities across the globe. Link these entities to clarify and monitor entire business structures.
Image showing risk screening
AML Screening & Monitoring
Check your customers against real-time watchlists, PEP & sanction lists, country-specific databases.
an image representing the compliance feature in Parallel
Stay compliant by setting specific data retention periods based on stored data types. Data will be anonymized after the assigned time.

Enhancing your AML processes

Implanta tu proceso de KYC o KYB y reúne los datos y documentos necesarios de tus clientes.
Crea alertas de vencimiento según el nivel de riesgo de tus clientes y asegura el "KYC refresh" de todos tus clientes.
Optimiza tu proceso, tras detectar las fases más sensibles y analizar el tiempo dedicado a completar el proceso de KYC/KYB.
An imagen representing how the recipient can upload documents and chat with the user
Ventas y Operaciones
Acelera tus operaciones y tus procesos de venta con formularios inteligentes
Crea alertas de vencimiento y revisión, operando en un entorno privado y seguro.
Detecta cuellos de botella y distribuye la carga de trabajo. Visualiza el volumen de trabajo de tu equipo.
An image representing the dashboard with all the parallels and automatic reminders
Fintech y Servicios Financieros
Construye tu proceso de Know Your Customer (KYC) y recibe y verifica la información requerida de tus clientes. Crea alertas de actualización para mantener el cumplimiento de la ley de prevención de blanqueo de capitales.
Crea y gestiona los contratos comerciales de cada cliente y programa alertas de vencimiento.
Analiza las altas de nuevos clientes en un periodo de tiempo y obtén insights clave para el negocio.
An image representing the contract generation
We stand by you
We help you with your processes from the beginning of the relationship, understanding your objectives and designing tailored solutions for you.
We protect your clients' data
Parallel follows ISO/IEC 27001 best practices for Information Security Management, and adheres to privacy and security principles from the design stage.
AWS and GDPR Compliant logos
We help you navigate your integrations
Effortlessly connect and integrate some tools into our platform, enabling secure automations and streamlined data flows for your risk assessments.

Frequently asked questions

How often are the consulted lists updated?
PEP profiles are checked for updates daily, and sanctions are updated every 30 minutes.
Does the client need to do anything if I want to activate the risk monitoring?
No, risk monitoring will not affect the client. It is true that they need to go through a KYC/KYB process beforehand, but complying with KYC regulations doesn't mean compromising the user experience. Make your onboarding quick and friction-free for your users with Parallel.
Can I add a specific list to carry out these automatic searches?
We provide you with the main data sources published by governmental authorities or international organizations. However, you can book a video call with our customer success team to assess your specific needs.
Book a video call

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More than 2,000 people have already transformed their teams with Parallel.