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Employee self evaluation form template

Designed for HR

Created by Blanca Gallego on Parallel

Example of question you will find in this template.

This template includes

  • 26 question fields
  • Conditional fields
  • Possibility to enable eSignature
  • Personalized message

About this template

👩‍💻 👨‍💻 💭 Do you want to know what your employees think about the work they do and how happy they are with your company? We have created this template so that your employees can do a self-assessment exercise, both of their own performance at work and of their level of satisfaction in your organization. Employees' self-assessments are not only useful to know the current situation of the company, but also to discover problems and possible improvements. This tool will allow you to carry out this exercise and take your company to the next level 🚀 🚀. Among others, this template includes questions related to your employees' goals, their strengths and areas of improvement and a space for their suggestions about how the company can improve. If you want to get your employees' opinion on any other aspect of their performance or the organization of the company, you can easily modify the template.

Finally, you can enable a public link to this template so that each employee can start their self-assessment at any time without having to rely on you to send it to them.

Information list

    A. Self evaluation form

    B. Enter your personal data

    1. First name

    2. Last name(s)

    3. Enter your department and job title

    4. ¿Who is your supervisor?

    5. Is this your first performance review?

    6. When was your last performance evaluation?

    C. Self evaluation of your job performance

    7. Quality and accuracy of your work

    8. Productivity and efficiency

    9. Job satisfaction

    10. Communication

    11. Team work

    D. Accomplishments and goals

    12. Did you accomplish all the goals listed in your last performance evaluation?

    13. What goals could you not accomplish and why?

    14. What have been your most significant accomplishments since your last performance review?

    15. What goals would you like to set for the next evaluation period?

    E. We want you to keep improving!

    16. What do you see as your strengths, and what have you improved in the last period?

    17. In which areas of your work do you think you could improve?

    18. What are the skills or areas of knowledge you would like to improve?

    19. How do you want the company to help you improve these skills or knowledge?

    20. How do you want the company to help you improve?

    21. How could your manager better support you and increase your job satisfaction?

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